
Performed by Robert Wilson, S.K. Dunn, Kikuo Saito, Raymond Andrews, Hope Kondrat, Robyn Brentano, Meredith Monk, and others.

Premiered on October 26, 1968 at 147 Spring Street  (Wilson's loft), and Jones Alley, New York City, NY.

The second performance at the Byrd Loft on 147 Spring Street, BYRD woMAN marks the first New York appearance of the Byrdwoman character. The performance began in the Byrd Loft with Wilson, dressed as the Byrdwoman, slowly dancing to the opening theme to the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Others from the then-forming Byrd Hoffman School of Byrds joined in, in a set that was covered in straw and wires, with planks upon which performers balanced. The performance then moved outside to Great Jones Alley, in a procession led by Meredith Monk, also dressed as Byrdwoman. Forty other performers dressed as Byrdwoman then bounced on boards, and the piece ended with a live rock band and dancing. (Text by Joseph Bradshaw)